

  • 19
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:个体经营
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 深圳市深惠路宝岭花园A栋2102
  • 姓名: 王生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:商务服务 创意设计/公司
  • 发布日期:2018-12-24
  • 阅读量:288
  • 价格:600.00 元/P 起
  • 产品规格:210*285
  • 产品数量:99999.00 P
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东深圳  
  • 关键词:深圳画册设计,品牌画册设计


    画册的元素,版式,配色不但需要符合设计美学的三大构成关系,更重要的是完整的表达市场推广策略,包括产品所针对的客户群,地域,年龄段,知识层等。比如一本儿童用品的画册需要完整表述企业乐观,向上的精神面貌,配色要可爱,活泼,版式丰富 而有趣,产品罗列有条不紊等等。
    Content criteria refer to the content specifications that must be noticed when designing a picture album. The requirement is to achieve the propaganda purpose, propaganda effect and propaganda target of the merchants. In order to design a good business brochure.
    design criteria
    The success of an enterprise's album design lies in the positioning of the album design. First of all, we should communicate well with customers, including the style positioning of the album design, the analysis of the enterprise culture and product characteristics, the industry characteristics positioning, the operation process of the album, the customer's viewpoints, and so on, which may affect the style of the album design. Good album design can not be separated from the communication and cooperation before the design, so as to reflect the consumer needs of customers, in order to create more effective album design for customers.
    The album design is divided into: enterprise album design, product album design, enterprise image album design, propaganda album design, folding design, single page design, cover design, album cover design, etc. These albums are all based on certain criteria, which are described in detail below by the known designs.
    The cover design of the album should be a comprehensive reflection of the content, form, opening and binding of the album. A good album cover design should start from all aspects.
    Cover design, cover design pays more attention to the highly refined corporate image, to give people the impression of never forgetting. The design of enterprise picture album should embody the spirit of the enterprise from the aspects of the nature, culture, concept and region of the enterprise itself.
    Product album design, product album design focuses on starting from the characteristics of the product itself, analyzing the attributes of the product to be displayed, using appropriate forms of expression, creativity to reflect the characteristics of the product. Only in this way can we increase consumers'understanding of products, and then increase the sales of products.
    Folding design, generally divided into two folds, three folds, four folds and so on. The number of pages is determined by the content. Some enterprises want to make the folding design outstanding. They may have die-cutting in the form of expression, special technology and so on to reflect the unique folding, thereby increasing the impression of consumers.
    The design of enterprise image album pays more attention to embodying the image of the enterprise, and uses appropriate creativity and forms of expression to display the image of the enterprise. Only in this way can the picture album leave a deep impression on consumers and deepen the understanding of enterprises.
    In short, whether it is the design of enterprise picture album or the design of product picture album, it is inseparable from prior communication. Hope that small and medium-sized enterprises in the design of picture albums, should grasp the above guidelines, so as to better make the desired picture album effect.
    corporate culture
    The summary of long-term business activities and management experience of enterprises has become the characteristics that distinguish enterprises from other peers. Through the accumulation of time and the joint efforts within the enterprise, it becomes a unique corporate culture with uniqueness. Unique corporate culture is also one of the criteria to measure brand value. The album design process is a reflection and refinement of this cultural trait.
    Market promotion
    The elements, format and color matching of the picture album need not only to conform to the three major components of design aesthetics, but also to fully express marketing strategies, including customer groups, regions, age groups, knowledge levels, etc. For example, a picture album of children's articles needs to fully express the optimism of the enterprise, the upward spiritual outlook, the color matching should be lovely, lively, rich and interesting format, and the products listed in an orderly manner.
    Editor of Expressive Means
    Whether a picture album conforms to the evaluation basis of visual aesthetics. Including graphic composition, color composition, space composition. The perfect performance of the three components can improve the design quality and enterprise connotation of the album.
    This link needs to be completed by photography and PS repairs. Usually, the surface of the product is smooth and the contrast between light and shade is strong without losing details. Therefore, the basic skills of designers need higher requirements, not confined to layout design.
    欢迎来到深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市深圳市深惠路宝岭花园A栋2102,联系人是王生。 主要经营深圳设计公司,深圳广告公司,深圳广告设计,深圳画册设计,深圳标志设计,深圳包装设计 ,深圳VI设计,深圳产品目录设计 深圳设计公司 ,企业宣传画册设计,产品目录设计,折页设计印刷,彩页设计印刷。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 你有什么需要?我们都可以帮你一一解决!我们公司主要的特色服务是:深圳设计公司,深圳广告公司,深圳广告设计,深圳画册设计,深圳标志设计,深圳包装设计等,“诚信”是我们立足之本,“创新”是我们生存之源,“便捷”是我们努力的方向,用户的满意是我们较大的收益、用户的信赖是我们较大的成果。